Isabel Newsome
Hello my name is Isabel Newsome and I have family connections to the site dating back to 1870 when it was the Whitfield Colliery Company. In total my family contributed 238 years service between 1870 and 1958. My grandfather's special collection of Chatterley Whitfield artefacts, photographs and minute books can be found at Keele University. Now it's my turn to contribute.
My vision for the site is to restore the buildings back to their former glory so they can be enjoyed by locals and visitors to the area. This can hopefully be achieved by combining leisure, commercial, sports, recreation and heritage (to name a few!). Chatterley Whitfield is the only complete example of its kind and is such a special place that it deserves to be preserved. The first colliery to produce 1,000,000 tonnes of coal in a year!!! So special they did it twice!!!