Reasons for Designation
The mid-C20 weigh bridge at Chatterley Whitfield Colliery is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Architectural interest: a simple but interesting survival dating from the colliery's peak period of production which retains its weigh plates and one of its weighing machines;
* Historic interest: part of a group of significant structures which represent essential components of one of the country's best surviving collieries;
* Group value: it has a spatial and visual relationship with other listed buildings and a scheduled monument.
owing the nationalisation of the coal industry in 1947 there was further investment, most notably the introduction of mine cars and locomotive haulage in 1952, which included the construction of a surface mine car circuit to allow the circulation of tubs from the pithead to the washery and back again. The weigh house (22) was erected in two phases between circa 1947 and circa 1950. It stands on the west side of the site, alongside the main access road and entrance gate into the former colliery. The building housed machinery used to ascertain the weight of coal leaving the colliery by road and appears to have been altered in line with changing levels of production on the site over time since one of the weigh machines was removed at some stage.