In 2017 the access to the site the 'Friends' had was compromised when Stoke on Trent City Council removed the twenty four hour security , replacing them with CCTV cameras. We lost access to our meeting place in the old weigh bridge.
At the beginning of 2018 the council gave us access to the old Geology office which had been modernised into a self contained unit. We moved into the into the premises in January 2018 and set about transforming it it into our HERITAGE CENTRE.

We started to move all our artefacts into the building and because there was no heating we had a burst - Not a good start.
Eventually the floor got carpeted, and with grants we improved the heating and had an insulated ceiling installed, which transformed the place.
Over the years the Heritage Centre has been developed so we can now open to the general public, as it it not situated on the main restricted site.
The Heritage Centre in 2022 welcomes you, come and see our vast array of artefacts, maps. photographs and memorabilia.
We are open every Thursday and Saturday morning....
You may even get a brew !!!!